Warranty and service in the product card

    Warranty & Service

Can I exchange an item or return an item?
Yes, you can exchange or return an item within 14 days of purchase. This right is guaranteed to you by the Consumer Protection Act.

To use this feature, please make sure that:

  • the goods were not in use and have no signs of use: scratches, chips, scuffs, on the phone’s counter for no more than 5 minutes of conversations, the software was not subjected to changes, etc.
  • the goods are fully equipped and packaging integrity is not violated;
  • all labels and factory markings are saved.

That is, you have the right to exchange non-food goods of appropriate quality for a similar one, if the product did not satisfy you in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or for other reasons it cannot be used for its intended purpose. An exchange of goods of good quality is carried out if they have not been used and if their presentation, consumer properties, seals, labels, as well as a settlement document issued to the consumer along with the sold goods have been preserved.

If you applied within 14 days from the date of purchase to exchange goods of inadequate quality in your opinion, but the goods meet the criteria for goods of good quality, in this case, the Seller will exchange the goods.

But if the goods do not work, the exchange or return of goods is carried out only if there is a conclusion / act of the service center authorized by the manufacturer of the Goods that the operating conditions are not violated.

Where and how can I exchange or return a product?

You can exchange or return the goods in the store of our network where you purchased the goods.

You need to have goods, packaging and accessories for it, a warranty card and a sales receipt with you.

If you are in another city where there is no Citrus, the goods must be sent by "New Mail". For more details, please call: 0-800-20-70-30. The terms of exchange or return of goods are indicated above.

Where to contact for warranty service?

If the Product requires warranty service, we ask you to contact the Seller from whom you purchased the product or a service center, the contact details of which you can find in the warranty card or specify by phone. 0-800-20-70-30 (free of charge from stationary and mobile phones, Mon - Fri from 9:00 to 21:00)

What is the warranty for this item?

The warranty period is indicated in the description of each product on the site. The warranty is provided for a period of 14 days to 36 months, depending on the product. Warranty may be provided by the manufacturer or the Seller. Confirmation of the warranty is the manufacturer's warranty card or the seller's warranty card.


The service center cannot repair my product during the warranty period.

In case that during the established warranty period, significant defects t arise due to the fault of the manufacturer in the Goods that you bought from us, or if it fails due to the fault of the manufacturer and cannot be repaired at an authorized service center, are identified, we will exchange the goods for a similar or we will return the money.

For this, please provide us with:

  • goods with a full complete set (charger, box ...);
  • warranty card;
  • proof of payment;
  • conclusion of the service center with a note that the product has a “significant drawback”.

In what cases is the warranty not provided?

The service center may refuse warranty repair in the event of:

  • violation of the safety of warranty seals;
  • the presence of mechanical or other damage arising as a result of intentional or reckless actions of the buyer or third parties;
  • violation of the rules of use;
  • unauthorized opening, repair or alteration of internal communications and components of goods, changes in designs or patterns of goods;
  • if the serial number or MAC address in the product’s memory is changed, erased or damaged and cannot be installed;
  • if damage is detected due to the ingress of foreign objects, substances, liquids, insects or extreme temperatures.

Warranty and warranty service does not apply to the Goods in case of:

  • accidental damage (defects caused by the customer);
  • damage due to natural disasters (natural phenomena);
  • damage caused by neglect or use (non-compliance with temperature conditions, exposure to liquids, dust, mechanical damage, foreign objects getting inside the case);
  • damage caused by an emergency increase or decrease in voltage;
  • damage or abnormal functioning of the product caused by malfunctions or non-compliance with the standards of the parameters of power, telecommunications, cable and other similar external factors;
  • damage caused by defects in the system in which the product was used, or resulting from the connection and connection of the product to other products;
  • damage caused by improper use of the product or in violation of the operating rules;
  • natural wear of elements in cases of exceeding the specified norms of normal operation, as well as case elements of portable products;
  • damage or abnormal functioning of the product caused by programs;
  • damage or abnormal functioning of the product caused by the use of non-standard and (or) substandard consumables, accessories, spare parts, batteries;
  • the presence of signs of repair on the product by unauthorized persons.

Warranty does not apply:

  • software products shipped with the product;
  • on software products that are not supplied with the product;
  • to user data stored or obtained using the product.