VDO Authorization - What is DRS VDO?
Authorization of a car repair shop for the repair of VDO injectors
VDO Authorization - What is DRS VDO?
This is a workshop that has been certified and has received the right to warranty repairs for VDO products.
Certification algorithm.
How to get DRS VDO status?
- Purchase equipment and tools recommended by the brand for warranty repair of products (After consultation with the official representative of the brand)
- Apply through an official VDO brand representative
- Get trained
- Obtain DRS VDO certification
Equipment with which you can authorize a vdo warranty repair service

Carbon Zapp MTBRx
- testing and coding CR injectors John Deere Denso
- testing and coding Delphi EUI/EUP/SMART/EU6 F2P/F2E
- testing and measuring BIP signal EUI/EUP Bosch
- testing and coding EUI Cummins, Detroit, Caterpillar
- testing CR pumps of all manufacturers, including pumps for special CP4 / CAT / CB18 / CB28 / CP2
- testing CR injectors EU6 under high pressure up 2800 бар
- coding CR injectors VDO IIC,Delphi C2i / C3i, Bosch IMA / ISA и Denso QR
- Simultaneous testing up to 4 CRi / CRiN solenoid or piezo injectors and up to 2 injectors CRiN 4.2
- CR VDO injectors are only tested against VDO approved test plans
- testing Bosch CR injectors CRI3-25 and CRI3-27 new generation with NCC and VCC technology
- testing of Denso EU5 и EU6 systems (Denso I-Art 6-pin)
- testing VCVs separately from the pump
- testing and coding GDI injectors (in development)
- testing GDI pumps (in development)